Their Future Fund is a 501(c)(3) founded and led by Dr. Annie Andrews, a pediatrician, mom of three, and former candidate for Congress.
Our nation’s children face a variety of challenges that threaten their future and hinder their ability to reach their full potential. These problems include the climate crisis, child hunger and poverty, limited access to affordable health care, insufficient quality public education, a gun violence epidemic, and a diminished democracy.

Identifying solutions to these challenges and educating the public on the link between policy and children’s health and well-being is more important now than ever before.
If we don’t understand these issues, their causes, and their link to children’s health and well-being, we cannot remedy them. Further, a failure to address these problems now may lead to policies that either do not adequately resolve them or result in worse outcomes for our nation’s children.
Their Future Fund is committed to addressing these challenges through research, public education, and efforts to engage the public in constructive and meaningful dialogue.
We will ensure that we put THEIR FUTURE first.
Their Future Fund will create accessible materials that reflect the latest insights from qualified experts in our key policy areas. These resources will help the general public better understand how current challenges impact children and how proposed solutions can be implemented to lessen the effects of these problems in the future.
Their Future Fund will educate the public on the link between policies at the federal and state level and the wellbeing of children.
Their Future Fund will encourage children and those who care for them to engage in the policymaking process.
Their Future Fund will encourage the public to communicate with their elected officials, regulatory agencies, and community groups about the issues affecting children.